This is my Artwork, wait patiently to load. Meanwhile, click here to read more. Back in college, I learned photoshop out of curiosity and proceeded to make some artwork that I think is pretty good. The themes include photographs taken by me during my stay in Ahmedabad and pop culture icons that were influential in my upbringing. I relied heavily on vaporwave themes for most of the artwork. Many of these pictures are also entirely made from scratch by me.
HTvsTheworld a808s_PIXEL3 skul nostalgia dogincar himesh Music ARTist Horseface Surya1 skull2 mask makepeace srk a3p01 Starry_girl angelsndemons PIXEL_1 a404_2_col Existloudly skull Corona jesse SMD Surya2 mandomobile Soul_on_fire monsterhands fightthepower sentience Ghostinbulb littleaccident PicsArt_07_21_10.23.41 ARTPROJEcT dosti azadi NEWSPAPER Sky_rainbow charlie Riverofdarknes a00100sPORTRAIT_00100_BURST20190214181655816_COVER1 baldisbold amb a3p02 TungstenBulbsSmokingBongs duba amittr shitpost nightm_3 climate_change_small FALL Rockmonster stoneocean tea dontletmefall a404 shaktimaan Untitled_1_2 hittarthsamurai abeysaale butterfliesinstomach crucifyme KEANU nohelp a404_2 Diwana I_AM_A_GOD outrun nightm_1 detrasdh modi escape chai makani Caveman spacetrip firebreathingmonk mando
Artworks (c) by Hitarth Thummar The above artworks are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. You should have received a copy of the license along with this work. If not, see".
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